Board Member Spotlight: Emily Steinweg


Emily Steinweg currently serves as the secretary for WEN’s Board of Directors. Emily joined WEN in 2019 as a student board member while she was still in graduate school and then transitioned to a professional board member after she began working for the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities as a Water Supply Engineer.

We asked Emily to talk about her experiences with WEN over the last few years:

What has been your favorite thing about being a member?
My favorite thing has been getting to meet other members and event attendees and hearing their environmental passions and expertise. I’ve learned about so many different jobs, career paths, and organizations that work to protect our environment. It is fun to hear the impact our members have!

Do you have a most memorable event or favorite WEN moment?
One of my favorite WEN moments was a social hour after a speaker event. We had about 20 people in a private room, mingling and connecting with each other. It really reminded me how supportive and wonderful this community is.

Tell us a little bit about what you do and how WEN fits in to your professional or personal goals.
I am a water resources engineer and focus on projects related to drinking water supply. WEN is a place where I can connect with professionals from all varieties of environmental fields, not only water-focused professionals.

What advice would you give to a young professional fresh out of college just starting his/her career?
My advice is to always remember that a career is long! It is ok to have many jobs throughout your career; the job you have now does not have to be the job you have when you retire.

Dorey Kronick

Combining graphic design, photography, and mixed media art, Dorey Kronick turns dreamy ideas into visual realities! Whether you’re a large organization, small company, or simply striking out on your own – Dorey provides professional, friendly, and collaborative creative services catered to your unique situation.

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